Mobile machining


We have extensive experience in mobile machining of equipment within the energy sector and process industry.

With our mobile machining, we can offer a practical and flexible solution, as the work is conducted at the plant itself. We perform work on flanges, valves and machine systems, among other things.

Whether it is milling, turning, grinding or cutting and line boring, we rise to the challenge. Our machines and tools can be easily adjusted to suit your particular situation at the location in question.


We offer:

  • On-site turning of flanges
  • On-site levelling / milling of motor foundations
  • On-site pipe bevelling for welding joints (V-joint, tulip bevel, etc.)
  • On-site turning of shaft journal
  • On-site milling of keyway
  • On-site line boring


Are you starting a project?

Tell us about the project. We are ready to guide you, so you can be safe during the whole process.

Contact Per Franzen

Responsible for pump and valve service, mobile machining and controlled bolt tensioning.

Related references

Mobil maskinbearbejdning ST1 Refinery

Mobil maskinbearbejdning ST1 Refinery

ST1 Refinery

Veltec Industrial Services har i en årrække udført On-Site spåntagende bearbejdning på St1 Refinery AB raffinaderiet i Göteborg under Turn Around og projekter.